The Citizens' Initiative pro Natura 2000 e.V., Aachen, Germany is an independent, non-profit organisation that uses non-violent, creative organisational structures to uncover and eliminate or mitigate environmental problems and their causes.
We work towards finding ways to maintain or even improve a green and peaceful future. Integrating sustainability into what we do is an important part of our motivation.
The aim of the Initiative pro Natura 2000 e.V. is to preserve and promote cultural and ecological life in all its diversity.
The Initiative pro Natura 2000 e.V. organises public campaigns, for example to prevent the resumption of mining in the east of Belgium.
The Initiative pro Natura 2000 e.V. does not solicit or accept funds from governments, companies or political parties in order to ensure its independence.
The Initiative pro Natura 2000 e.V. relies on voluntary donations from individual supporters.
The Initiative pro Natura 2000 e.V. is committed to the principles of non-violence and political independence.


Initiative pro Natura 2000 e.V.


The Initiative pro Natura 2000 e.V. from Aachen in Germany is an independent, non-profit organisation that is passionately dedicated to non-violent, creative organisational structures. We want to use these to uncover, eliminate or reduce environmental problems and their causes.


We are wholeheartedly committed to preserving and even improving our beautiful green earth for future generations. It is of great importance to us to integrate sustainability into our actions.


It is of great importance to us to maintain and promote cultural and ecological life in all its diversity.


The Initiative pro Natura 2000 e.V. is wholeheartedly committed to protecting the environment. To this end, it organises public campaigns, for example to prevent the resumption of mining in eastern Belgium.


The Initiative pro Natura 2000 e.V. does not solicit or accept any funds from governments, companies or political parties to ensure its independence.


The Initiative pro Natura 2000 e.V. is grateful for every donation it receives from its supporters.


The Initiative pro Natura 2000 e.V. is firmly committed to the principles of non-violence and political independence.